The Aggregator: Publishing, Marketing, and Images

To kick off this first edition of Aggregator, an “about us” type description of what will be here: Everything for me points to content, so I’ll break it down to the three fields in which I’ve spent the most time, Publishing (usually digital), Marketing (usually content marketing focused), and images (the 1,000 words phrase comes … Continue reading

As Retailers Become Publishers, Can Publishers Retail?

I’ve written, tweeted, and posted on G+ many times about how the business world, particularly retailers, are becoming their own publishers. Now it appears some publishers are taking a shot at the retail world, and not by selling ads or their subs, but real retail sales. Mashable does a nice job covering the publishing industry, … Continue reading

NYMag Nails The Progress of Digital Publishing

NYMag‘s Daily Intel published today one of the many stories about the $1B purchase of Instagram by Internet giant Facebook. This story gets it right in so many ways. What was a website is now a product, what was a webmaster is now a product manager, and, then the main point of this all — the content: … Continue reading

A Tale of Two Stories

One of the first things a journalist hears from their editor, at varying levels of decibel, is “don’t bury the lede!” Two of the true “old school” publishers surfaced with a classic example of that old maxim when the New York Times published a fascinating story about the role statistics play in the retail world. The NYT … Continue reading

Coca-Cola Bets the Farm on Content Marketing: Content 2020

This is a great piece by Joe Pulizzi, founder of the Content Marketing Institute and SocialTract. Instead of giving my own spin, please just take a read, and definitely watch the videos. Great stuff.

Farming Your Content

“Farming” has gotten a bad rep when it comes to content in the last years. Typically it’s now used to describe “Farming Out” or in reference to “Content Farms.” But farming your content is an age-old way of supporting an up-and-coming buzz phrase, “Content Marketing.” The question always asked, of course, is what is the … Continue reading

Delivering Digital Content – Where is the Paperboy?

We’re past the point of just dabbling with content on the Internet. Gone are the days of pontificating “Content is King!” as you throw your print stories on your website and wait for the world to come to you. Content Marketing is more than a buzzword, and content management systems are becoming plug-and-play. Mathew Ingram of … Continue reading